Exploring teacher practices for enhancing student engagement in culturally diverse classrooms
Aloysius C. Anyichie 1 * , Deborah L. Butler 2, Samson M. Nashon 2
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1 Brandon University, MB, Canada
2 The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
* Corresponding Author


Self-regulated learning (SRL) and culturally responsive teaching (CRT) research, although from different viewpoints, both show instructional practices that enhance student engagement. This study examined the integration of self-regulated learning promoting practices (SRLPPs) and culturally responsive pedagogical practices (CRPPs) in the classroom context especially during a complex task. Using mixed-methods case study design, it explored how an elementary classroom teacher at a multicultural public school in the West Coast of Canada combined SRLPPs and CRPPs to support culturally diverse students’ engagement. Data were collected through:(a) classroom observations, (b) practice records and documents, (c) students’ work samples, (d) teacher interview, (e) student interviews, and (f) student surveys. Findings indicated that the teacher enacted integrated practices categorized as: (a) classroom foundational practices; (b) designed instructional practices; and (c) dynamic support practices. Also, students’ engagements related to their perceptions of teacher practices. Culturally diverse students were highly engaged in contexts with rich combinations of SRLPPs and CRPPs. Finally, this paper discussed the implications for theory (e.g., CRT, SRL), practice (e.g., an integrated pedagogy), and research (e.g., how to support culturally diverse learners’ engagement in contexts).



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