Online-First Articles
The mediating role of resilience between positive personality traits and hopes of emerging adults: A structural equation modeling analysis
Esra Eren, Funda Ergüleç, Ahmet Kara
Journal of Pedagogical Research, Online-First Article
Instrument performance management in vocational music education: Relationship between self-efficacy perception and learning approaches
Ajda Aylin Can
The relationship between vicarious experience and mathematics achievement: Mediating effects of mastery experience and physical state
Khalid S. Al Umairi
Exploring educational technology, online communities, and self-paced learning in enhancing graduate students' health promotion skills in physical education
Jiang Congmeng, Adjah N. Mazlan
Computer-assisted instruction with virtual reality: Exploring its impact on science learning and gender differences
Yılmaz Özkan, Enes A. Bilgin, Güneş Uğraş
The relationship between the 21st-century skills and computational thinking skills of prospective mathematics and science teachers
Deniz Kaya, Ayten Öykü Yaşar, İbrahim Çetin, Tamer Kutluca
Teaching without boundaries: How global experiences shape future English language educators?
Servet Çelik
AI adoption in accounting education: A UTAUT-based analysis of mediating and moderating mechanisms
Mengrong Han, Hasri Mustafa, Saira Kharuddin
‘Physical Education demands a lot of your gender identity because you show yourself in motion’– The construction of (gendered) body in physical education from the perspective of trans* students
Aiko Möhwald
The effect of vocabulary development interventions on cognitive outcomes of vocabulary: A meta-analysis study
Nurbanu Kansızoğlu, Nazan Bekiroğlu
Digital game addiction in elementary students: The impact of digital literacy, parental styles, and background variables
Sacide G. Mazman Akar, Murat Özer
Impact of inquiry-based laboratory activities on understanding heat concepts and self-efficacy in pre-service teachers
Nikolaos Kyriazis, Georgios Stylos, Konstantinos Kotsis
Transforming learning or creating dependency? Teachers’ perspectives and barriers to AI integration in education
Hardiyanti Pratiwi, Agus Riwanda, Hasruddin Hasruddin, Sujarwo Sujarwo, Amir Syamsudin
Visualizing relative position of two straight lines in space: An exploratory study of the anaglyph in GeoGebra
Tang Minh Dung, Le Thai Bao Thien Trung, Nguyen Thi Nga
Charting a course: Exploring computational thinking skills in statistics content among junior high school students
Astuti Astuti, Evi Suryawati, Elfis Suanto, Putri Yuanita, Eddy Noviana
Examining the potential and pitfalls of AI in problem solving
Yasin Memiş
Self-awareness and self-regulatory learning as mediators between ChatGPT usage and pre-service mathematics teacher's self-efficacy
Bright Asare, Francis Ohene Boateng
Factors affecting the effectiveness of math teachers’ integrated teaching in secondary schools: The case of Vietnam
Hanh Thi Hong Pham, Quang Duc Pham, Cuong Kien Bui, Ha Thanh Le
An analysis of algebra lesson: Can apples and pears be added?
Figen Bozkuş, Özlem Kalaycı, Zülbiye Toluk Uçar
Harnessing self-efficacy: Mediating the connection between TPACK and AI intentions among teachers
Christina Ismaniati, Nurul Inayah Khairaty, Nuraini Yusuf, Agus Supramono
Students' future thinking skills: Implications for school education programs
Suhendar Suhendar, Ari Widodo, Rini Solihat, Riandi Riandi
Augmented reality as a game changer in experiential learning: Exploring its role cultural education for elementary schools
Erif Ahdhianto, Yohannes K. Barus, M. Anas Thohir
Measuring artificial intelligence literacy: The perspective of Indonesian higher education students
Desy K. Sari, Supahar Supahar, Dadan Rosana, Pri A. C. Dinata, Muhammad Istiqlal
Gender differences on the impact of AI self-efficacy on AI anxiety through AI self-competency: A moderated mediation analysis
John Mark R. Asio, Dante P. Sardina
AI-enhanced self-regulated learning: EFL learners' prioritization and utilization in presentation skills development
Sri Wuli Fitriati, Aldha Williyan
Artificial intelligence in foreign language learning: A bibliometric analysis
Yunus Doğan, Tarık Talan
Trends and research frontiers in socioscientific issues for sustainable science education: A systematic and bibliometric analysis from 2014 – 2024
Zainal Arifin, Sukarmin Sukarmin, Sulistyo Saputro