Aims & Scope
Journal of Pedagogical Research (JPR) seeks articles related to the educational sciences or any area with connected to the education. The journal aims to achieve the advancement of knowledge in the field of educational sciences and to offer an integrated view of the field by presenting approaches from multiple disciplines.
JPR mainly publishes research articles. Although conceptual and review articles are evaluated, they cannot exceed 30% of the total number of articles in a volume. Therefore, accepted articles will remain onlinefirst and will be published in the following issues respectively.
As an online open access journal, Journal of Pedagogical Research will:
Publish significant, innovative original research that extends the standards of excellence established by educational sciences.
Publish in a broad array of fields including educational psychology, educational management as well as field studies such as mathematics education, physics education, language education and science education.
Publish cross-disciplinary research and collaborations, to encourage innovative approaches to complex educational or social problems, and support open discourse among readers in diverse areas of interest and expertise.