The impact of supervisory management and service-learning pedagogy on the development strategy of junior high schools
Talabudin Umkabu 1 *
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1 Institut Agama Islam (IAIN) Fattahul Muluk Papua, Indonesia
* Corresponding Author


The objective of the study was to investigate the impact of supervision management and service-learning on learning development. The study location is Jayapura Junior High School, Papua Province, Indonesia. This case-study qualitative research method was used. Data were collected through observing and interviewing 11 participants. The first theme reveals that academic supervision management conducted by the principal has an impact on the quality of learning conducted by teachers in the classroom. The second theme shows that the impact of service-learning can increase students' interest in learning, fostering positive student attitudes and behaviors both in the class and in their community. The theoretical implications relate to the content of these outcomes for the development of learning theories and education management studies. The relevant practical implications relate to its potential contribution to the development of education in Indonesia as a form of effort to make Indonesian society prosperous. The central government is expected to provide more training programs and closely monitored funding to ensure equity and educational development for the younger generation in the Land of Papua.  



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