The experiences of classroom teachers on the homework process in teaching mathematics: An interpretative phenomenological analysis
Yusuf Ergen 1 * , Mehmet Emin Durmuş 2
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1 Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University, Faculty of Education, Turkey
2 Martyr İlhami Koçak Primary School, Erzurum, Turkey
* Corresponding Author


This phenomenological study aimed to explore a group of classroom teachers’ experiences with homework assignment in teaching mathematics.  The participants of the study were 27 classroom teachers who were selected using the criterion-based sampling technique. The research data were collected with a semi-structured interview form developed by the researchers and subjected to interpretive phenomenological analysis. The results showed that the teachers plan the homework they would assign the evening before the class and use resources available on the internet while planning it. It was also revealed that they assign mathematics homework for various purposes such as ensuring comprehension of the subjects, knowledge retention and use of the learned subjects in daily life. They reported that they check and provide feedback on the assigned homework during the classes that the assigned homework is sometimes done by the family members of the students and that both preparing and checking the homework take an extensive amount of time. As a solution to these problems, they suggested communicating and negotiating with the parents, getting support from school counselors and reducing the number of the themes in the primary mathematics curriculum.



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