Teaching without boundaries: How global experiences shape future English language educators?
Servet Çelik 1 2 *
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1 Trabzon University, Türkiye
2 Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Kazakhstan
* Corresponding Author


International and cross-cultural experiences are critical to effectively prepare language teachers for the increasingly diverse classroom, as they promote language proficiency and cultural awareness and sensitivity. This research captures the multi-national engagements of pre-service language teachers enrolled at a Turkish university. Participants with extensive global experiences (e.g., mobility programs, multicultural projects, and local or virtual immersion opportunities) were interviewed in a focus group setting to explore the impact of their cross-cultural experiences and interactions on their linguistic and cultural skills, and on their overall professional development and pedagogical perspectives. Regardless of background or nature of experience, the participating non-native English language teacher candidates reported increased linguistic skills and intercultural competence, as well as boosted confidence and enhanced adaptability in their instructional approaches and practices. These findings and the skills outlined underscore the critical role of cross-cultural experiences in shaping future educators’ abilities to understand and respond to the complexities of language teaching in a globalized world. This study offers practical implications for language teacher educators as well as curriculum and program developers to effectively train educators with a broader mindset and empathetic cultural perspective for addressing the varied needs of students in multicultural and multilingual classrooms.



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