Teacher innovativeness: The effect of self-efficacy, transformational leadership, and school climate
Rais Hidayat 1 * , Yuyun Elizabeth Patras 1
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1 Universitas Pakuan, Indonesia
* Corresponding Author


This paper aims to identify variables and indicators that are important to improving teacher innovativeness in Indonesia. The paper adopts quantitative research design and Scientific Identification Theory for Operation Research in Education Management (SITOREM). The study population consists of 145 Indonesian state vocational high school teachers. Four questionnaires (transformational leadership, organizational climate, self-efficacy, and teacher innovativeness) assist in the collection of data using survey techniques. The results show that teacher self-efficacy and innovation can be improved by implementing transformational leadership and fostering a conducive school climate. To improve the quality of educational organizations, this study recommends priority variables and indicators for policy-makers.



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