Subjective well-being and social-emotional loneliness of university students: The mediating effect of the meaning of life
Ahmet Çağlar Özdoğan 1 *
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1 Yozgat Bozok University, Faculty of Education, Turkey
* Corresponding Author


This study examines the relationship between subjective well-being and social and emotional loneliness of university students through the meaning and purpose of life. The participants of the study consisted of the 477 university students, who study at the Faculty of Education. Three hundred and seven of them were females and 170 of them were males. The age of the participants ranged between 18 and 33. The data used in the study were collected using the satisfaction with life scale, the positive and negative affect scale, the meaning and purpose of life scale, and the social and emotional loneliness scale. Data were analyzed using correlation and path analyses. The results of the correlation analyses showed that there were significant relationships between the variables of subjective well-being, social and emotional loneliness and the meaning and purpose of life. Likewise, the findings of path analyses revealed that social and emotional loneliness significantly predicted subjective well-being through the meaning and purpose of life. 



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