Investigation of the views of teachers toward the use of smart boards in the teaching and learning process
Furkan Bıçak 1 *
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1 Trabzon University, Institute of Educational Sciences
* Corresponding Author


This study was carried out to determine the teachers' views on the usability of the smart board in the classroom and their needs to adapt it in the teaching process. Case study method was adopted in the study. The study was conducted on 10 different middle school branch teachers who were working at public schools in a northern province of Turkey. As data collection tool, a semi-structured interview form which is used commonly in qualitative research methods was established. The data obtained were evaluated within the context of content and descriptive analysis techniques. The results revealed that although teachers expressed a positive opinion on smart board practices, they stated that they were insufficient in the use of smart boards and that they needed more practice-oriented in-service courses. Depending on the results, some suggestions have been made about smart board applications and seminars to be given to teachers.



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