Harnessing self-efficacy: Mediating the connection between TPACK and AI intentions among teachers
Christina Ismaniati 1, Nurul Inayah Khairaty 1 * , Nuraini Yusuf 2, Agus Supramono 3
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1 Yogyakarta State University Indonesia, Indonesia
2 Makassar State University Indonesia, Indonesia
3 SDN 140 Masumpu Indonesia, Indonesia
* Corresponding Author


This study quantitatively identifies the mediating aspect of self-efficacy in the connection between technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) and artificial intelligence (AI) adoption intention towards educators in Indonesia. Data were collected via online surveys using adapted questionnaires, and respondents were selected using stratified random sampling method to ensure the diverse representation of respondent based on their teaching background in Indonesia. Constructs were described by descriptive statistics, and the hypothesized model was tested through mediation analysis of SmartPLS 4.0's bootstrapping algorithm. Findings showed that the constructs of the study have good validity and reliability, the created model was fit, while educators possess high TPACK and self-efficacy levels and a moderate intention to adopt AI. The mediation analysis indicated that self-efficacy significantly serves as a mediator of the relationship between TPACK and intention to adopt AI, demonstrating that the self-efficacy plays an essential role in encouraging educators' readiness to adopt AI in educational environments.  



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