Effective social constructivist approach to learning for social studies classroom
Rajendra Kumar Shah 1 *
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1 Kailali Multiple Campus, Teaching Faculty, Nepal
* Corresponding Author


The major aim of the present study is to address the question do we have any alternative of deficit model of teaching learning? For this purpose, teachers of social studies teachers were interviewed and teaching learning practices of social studies has been evaluated. The researcher adopts the theoretical underpinnings of socio-cultural approach to learning and tries to design and execute constructivist teaching learning setting for teaching social studies. It emerges from the analysis of these constructivists pedagogic settings that it helps to develop and sustain a culture of inquiry in the classroom where the strong interface between students’ everyday knowledge and school knowledge take place. The paper concluded that for moving deficit model of teaching learning, knowledge should be viewed as co-constructed, negotiated and situated entity, knower should have agency and the voice in process of knowing and the process learning should be dialogic.



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