An alternative way to prepare graduate thesis: The effect of case-based approach on candidate and supervisor development
Dinara Ramazanova 1, Aigulden Togaibayeva 1 * , Gulmira Amangeldiyeva 2, Meiramgul Yessengulova 1, Zhadyra Akhmetova 1
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1 K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University, Kazakhstan
2 Karaganda Buketov University, Kazakhstan
* Corresponding Author


In this study, an alternative method of addressing the problem of high plagiarism in graduation theses is proposed, which results in low motivation among candidates as well as supervisors. Using international experience in training economics specialists, particularly those not commonly implemented in Kazakhstan, the researchers propose a new approach to graduate thesis preparation. This involves introducing the use of unstructured cases by candidates while ensuring alignment with university policies. This study compares two ways of organizing graduate thesis preparation, distinguishing between the traditional method and the method that utilizes case studies. The study conducted throughout 6 months covers 160 undergraduate students divided into two groups. Each group prepared and defended their graduate theses according to one of the models. Statistical analysis revealed that the model of thesis preparation using the case-based approach were more effective. The approach involving case study provided an improvement in both candidates’ and supervisors’ responsibility and advanced the professional skills contributing to employment upon graduation.



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