A decade of TPACK in science education: Trends and insights from bibliometric analysis
Mohd Zaidi Bin Amiruddin 1, Mubiar Agustin 1, Achmad Samsudin 1 * , Andi Suhandi 1, Bayram Coştu 2
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1 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesa, Indonesa
2 Yildiz Technical University, Türkiye
* Corresponding Author


The Industrial Revolution 4.0 necessitates the integration of digital technology into education, which emphasizes the importance of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge [TPACK] for teachers. This research presents information related to trend analysis, which focuses on TPACK studies in science learning. Nevertheless, it also provides information on writer productivity based on Lotka Law and journal distribution patterns based on Bradford's Law, which has yet to be discussed in previous articles. This study uses bibliometric analysis to examine the research trends of TPACK in science education from 2013 to 2023, using data from Scopus and tools such as bibliometric packages R and VosViewer. Findings indicate a growing interest in TPACK, with increasing annual publications, significant contributions from authors such as Namdar and Huwer, and high-impact journals such as the Journal of Research in Science Teaching. In addition, this article presents the author's productivity based on Lotka's Law. Key themes include integrating technology in teaching practices and the role of TPACK in improving science education. This analysis highlights influential articles and authors, offers insights into the evolution and impact of TPACK research, and guides future studies in this critical area of education.



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