Keyword: instrument
Instrument performance management in vocational music education: Relationship between self-efficacy perception and learning approaches
Ajda Aylin Can
Journal of Pedagogical Research, Online-First Article
Development and calibration of an instrument measuring attitudes toward statistics using classical and modern test theory
Ezi Apino, Edi Istiyono, Heri Retnawati, Widihastuti Widihastuti, Kana Hidayati
Journal of Pedagogical Research, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp. 63-78
Examining the instructors’ perspectives on undergraduate distance learning music instrument education during the COVID-19 pandemic
Yalçın Yıldız, Ece Karşal, Hakan Bağcı
Journal of Pedagogical Research, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp. 184-206
Development of mathematics anxiety scale: Factor analysis as a determinant of subcategories
Yusuf Feyisara Zakariya
Journal of Pedagogical Research, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 135-144