Working identity constructions and workplace learning modes in a global South country: Exploring relations through a narrative approach
Marcelo Afonso Ribeiro 1 *
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1 University of São Paulo
* Corresponding Author


This research is placed among the current studies discussing the relationship between working, education and modes of subjectification within the present context by means of specific phenomena in identity constructions as well as workplace learning processes. By means of a qualitative narrative research with in-depth interviews among urban workers in São Paulo, Brazil – a global South country, this paper aimed to identify and analyse their main narrative patterns of workplace learning modes and combined to corresponding narrative patterns of working identity construction previously proposed in the literature. A content analysis of the narratives of 40 participants, over 35 years of age, intentionally selected, with an approximate distribution of men and women, was carried out. The study identified three narrative patterns of workplace learning mode with five corresponding narrative patterns of working identity construction marked by two opposed movements, equally significant: search for stability and use of formal learning modes (organisational, professional and occupational identity narrative pattern); and search for flexibility and use of informal and relational learning modes (networking identity narrative pattern). Moreover, the interrelation between the modes has defined hybrid identity narrative patterns, and the absence of workplace learning modes has delineated transitory identity narrative patterns, which is understood as a transitional crisis. In conclusion, traditional models of identity construction coexist with flexible models, as well as formal learning modes coexist with informal and relational models. In both cases hybrid modes arise as a merger or a joint construction between pre-existing modes.



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