Self-awareness and self-regulatory learning as mediators between ChatGPT usage and pre-service mathematics teacher's self-efficacy
Bright Asare 1 * , Francis Ohene Boateng 1
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1 Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development, Ghana
* Corresponding Author


This study aimed to examine the effect of ChatGPT usage on pre-service mathematics teachers ’self-efficacy in mathematics learning. The study further examined the mediating role of self-awareness and self-regulatory learning on the nexus between ChatGPT Usage and pre-service mathematics teachers’ self-efficacy. The study adopted a survey approach using a structured questionnaire for collecting a data from sample of 352 pre-service mathematics teachers. The data obtained was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling run from Amos (v.23) software. The study found that ChatGPT usage had a significant direct positive effect on pre-service mathematics teachers’ self-efficacy and self-regulatory learning. Additionally, self-regulatory learning positively influences self-efficacy and partially mediates the relationship between ChatGPT usage and self-efficacy. Finally, self-awareness also plays a positive, partial mediating role in the connection between ChatGPT usage and self-efficacy in mathematics learning. Teacher education programs should incorporate training on how to effectively use AI tools like ChatGPT in mathematics education. This could include workshops, tutorials, and hands-on experience that demonstrate how to leverage these technologies for enhancing self-efficacy and self-regulatory skills in mathematics learning. Since AI tools are increasingly integrated into the educational context, helping pre-service teachers feel confident using ChatGPT could alleviate common anxieties surrounding technology in the classroom. Past studies have examined individual effects of ChatGPT Usage, self-awareness, self-efficacy, and self-regulatory learning. This current study extends the body of knowledge by examining the mediating effect of self-awareness and self-regulatory learning on the nexus between ChatGPT Usage and pre-service mathematics teachers’ self-efficacy.    



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