Growth mindset in K-8 STEM education: A review of the literature since 2007
Micah Stohlmann 1 *
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1 University of Nevada, Las Vegas, United States
* Corresponding Author


Growth mindset has received more focus in schools in the past fifteen years as a possible way to improve various educational outcomes. Helping students to believe in the malleability of intelligence and the potential to improve in ability and various human qualities is important. Students with growth mindsets set self-improvement as achievement goals, use all of their resources, seek feedback, attribute failure to something that is under their control, and work harder when faced with setbacks. For the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) subjects these beliefs and outcomes of a growth mindset are especially important. The notion that only some students can do well in STEM subjects is important to counter. Growth mindset research has most often concentrated on students beyond middle school. Given the possible benefits of a growth mindset, the elementary and middle grades should receive more focus with growth mindset research and interventions. The purpose of this article to review the research on growth mindset in K-8 STEM education, science education, and mathematics education since 2007. Directions for future research are discussed including the importance of teachers in growth mindset interventions and integrated STEM education lessons as a method for students to develop and internalize growth mindset orientations.



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