Graduate programs through the eyes of students: Challenges and needs
Maşide Güler 1 * , Zeynep Medine Özmen 2, Mustafa Güler 2
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1 Trabzon University, Fatih Faculty of Education, Department of Science Education, Trabzon, Türkiye
2 Trabzon University, Fatih Faculty of Education, Department of Mathematics Education, Trabzon, Türkiye
* Corresponding Author


Despite the proliferation of graduate programs in universities around the world, there are limited numbers of studies that have evaluated the current status of these programs. This paper attempts to examine the assessments of graduate students of their programs and of the graduate education process. A survey method was adopted and conducted with a total of 294 graduate students from different institutions and regions of Türkiye. The results reveal that the students reported academic challenges, time-related issues, and supervisor and colleague-related problems. Moreover, the students indicated a need for academic writing support, effective feedback, access to databases, and support with materials. The study discusses the measures that may be taken to increase the quality of graduate education.       



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