Exploring quality issues in academic master theses of education majors and corresponding countermeasures
Zi-Gang Ge 1 * , Yuanyuan Zhao 1, Yong Liu 1
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1 School of Humanities, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China
* Corresponding Author


This paper tries to probe the common quality issues in academic master theses of education majors and propose some possible countermeasures. The study sampled and evaluated 275 academic master theses of education majors in China to examine common quality issues in them, and used a questionnaire to survey 210 academic master’s degree candidates of education majors to find out various problems they faced in their thesis writing process. The results show that the 275 theses have serious quality issues in research innovativeness and academic writing normativity. Three major problems were detected in their writing process including the shortage of supervisors’ timely feedback, insufficient academic writing competence, and the deficient blind review management and research support of their institutions. Countermeasures, which cover four stages of topic selection, research execution, final draft review and thesis defence, were then proposed from perspectives of supervisors, master’s degree candidates and institutions.  



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